Date: Tue, 17 May 94 20:34:03 PDT From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #540 To: Info-Hams Info-Hams Digest Tue, 17 May 94 Volume 94 : Issue 540 Today's Topics: Amateur Radio Newsline #873 6 May 94 Any club at BYU? First QSO HAM RADIO RUDENESS HF SKED Anyone? IPS Daily Report - 17 May 94 MASS QSO PARTY May 17 Mid-Atlantic Hamfest Listing sacred frequencies Willful Interference Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 17 May 94 18:05:29 -0500 From:!!! Subject: Amateur Radio Newsline #873 6 May 94 To: writes: >I think you're overreacting. Apart from the fact that some Region 1 >broadcasters seem to target Region 2 listeners, both the hams AND the >broadcast stations are legitimate users of the band. Jeff was referring to deliberately operating within a broadcast station's known "footprint." Seems to me that that's the same as the "Is the frequency in use" situation discussed elsewhere. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 May 1994 13:56:02 From:!swrinde!gatech!!!eff!!!chnews!!! Subject: Any club at BYU? To: In article <2r6i48$> (F5JTL aka WX3W) writes: >Is there any radio-club station at BYU? I'll be visiting Provo-Orem at the >beginning of August with a French friend of mine and we would like to operate >from >there... >73 de Laurent Yes there is. It is located in the Wilkenson Center on campus. I don't belong to it, so I don't have any names for you to contact. If you don't get other replies, I'll find the info for you. Let me know. Brett Miller N7OLQ Intel Corp. American Fork, UT ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 May 94 20:04:24 GMT From:!usc!!gatech!udel!!!!!rpi!!kodak!!swohl@@. Subject: First QSO To: This is being posted for a friend who doesn't have net access. It is not an official statement or a policy statement of any organization, especially Eastman Kodak. Please reply to or Any mail sent to this address will be discarded. ====================================================================== I wrote this a few nights ago, right before my license came. KE6GXD, eventually to be found on 40 meter CW. Reply to ------------------------------------------ I passed my Tech license exams in February, but am still waiting for my ticket. I bought an ICOM IC 720 A through a posting in, completely sight unseen of course. I had never even seen a 720A before. I picked the rig based on what small amount I could afford and old ARRL information on harmonics suppression. Choosing a rig by TVI. It arrived at the office on Firday. Like a kid, I was opening it up at the main reception lobby where it was delivered. It was much smaller than I imagined it would be. One of the vice presidents of the company walked in. "What is this," she asked, and wanted to know if the company was being billed for it. I expained what it was, and then she told me to clean up the mess. Friday afternoon at the office drifted on by blissfully, with visions of code practice from something other than Super Morse and other random QSO generation programs, then came the BUSINESS DINNER FROM HELL!!! Till 11:30 at night. No time to unpack my new toy then. Saturday morning, bright and early, five hours sleep or not, I was raring to go. I had the rig, but no power supply and no antenna. After going through the electronics junk drawer and after a trip to Radio Shack and to Albertson's for a gallon of milk for the baby, I had a 12 volt 2 amp supply and a simple long wire antenna tucked under the balcony of my first story apartment. When I fired the rig up, I got nothing but static and the faintest cracklings of one station around 15.2 MHZ in Spanish. Not even WWV! I knew the location had a power lines about 60 feet away, but it couldn't be that bad. What seemed worse, every time I changed bands, the rig made four clacking noises like it was going to pop. "Oh my gosh, " I said to my self. "I've been suckered. $400 down the drain, and there is nothing I can do." Somebody I've never met hundreds of miles away has cashed the check, and I am left with nothing. I got ahold of Bob, who I know through my church and who is a general class operator. He said his wife had some "Honey Do" tasks for him that would take a couple of hours, but later he'd call me back and we'd try the rig on his power supply and his antenna. Hours passed, very very slowly. It was about 7:30 at night. He called and gave me directions to his house. I quickly put the rig in a small suitcase, packed the mike, the photocopy of the manual that came with, and my improvised power supply in a bag, and I went on over to his place. He put the rig on his emergency power supply, a 12 volt marine battery he has on a solar trickle charger, plugged it into his inverted V up about 40 feet. It sounded fine on WWV 15 MHZ, and then we managed to get the rig tuned to 40 meter SSB, around 7.18. Bob, no longer just Brother Ruizak but now N6BNN, took the frail looking desk mike that came with the rig in his hands. The first QSO we heard, the operator didn't let the key up for about fifteen minutes, but finally he got a chance to break. Bob gave his QTH as Costa Mesa, California. The operator on the other end said he was in Arizona, and that the rig sounded fine. He even said that we were 5 by 9, and that he had a 720 A and that the horrible noise it made when I changed bands was normal. "It worked" "It worked." What a relief. Then Bob passed the mike to me, and I was actually talking to another state on the radio. My first time transmitting on amateur radio! I was completely eccstatic, in bliss. Then a friend of Bob's heard us and broke in. "He's a sheep rancher in Mexico, about 1,200 miles away" Bob said to me before keying up, and then after answering the break he handed the microphone to my slightly trembling hands. I thanked him for the chance to talk, and asked him how it sounded. He said my voice sounded a little weak, like I didn't quite know how to best use that mike. Of course not, I'd never used it before. Then another breaker came in. His QTH was Alabama. 2,000 miles. Incredible! It was getting late, and his family called. He tried to transmit once on my improvised power supply. The meter went dim. Not enough juice to transmit. Well, at least I can't be tempted to transmit before my license arrives. As I carefully pack up my rig back in the suitcase I had so casually put it in before, Bob said that he thinks he has a straight key and an antenna matcher he will let me have for cheap and that he'll stop on by and see what kind of antenna would work best at my place. I thank him repeatedly and bid him good night. At home, I still can't receive anything and I still don't have my license, but at least I know why and I know I've even talked DX on my own rig now. ------------------------------ Date: 17 May 94 17:21:37 EDT From:!usc!!gatech!!jobone!!! Subject: HAM RADIO RUDENESS To: In article , (Roger Buffington) writes: > wrote: > >: Ive decided to quit saving for a HF rig after following this discussion. > >Don't feel that way. Get the HF rig and ignore the few jerks who are >rude on the air. There are not many of them. >-- > > Glendale, CA > AB6WR I agree! If we all got off HF, the jerks would own the bands! Ddepew N4QIX ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 May 1994 22:35:57 GMT From:!swrinde!gatech!!!world! Subject: HF SKED Anyone? To: Hello there, I'd like a sked on 40 CW some time during the MA Qso Party; See my later post ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 May 1994 23:18:01 GMT From:!usc!!!sunic!!!!!!metro!ipso! Subject: IPS Daily Report - 17 May 94 To: SUBJ: IPS DAILY SOLAR AND GEOPHYSICAL REPORT ISSUED AT 17/2330Z MAY 1994 BY IPS RADIO AND SPACE SERVICES FROM THE REGIONAL WARNING CENTRE (RWC), SYDNEY. SUMMARY FOR 17 MAY AND FORECAST UP TO 20 MAY No warning is current. ----------------------------------------------------------- 1A. SOLAR SUMMARY Activity: very low Flares: none. Observed 10.7 cm flux/Equivalent Sunspot Number : 095/041 1B. SOLAR FORECAST 18 May 19 May 20 May Activity Low Very low Very low Fadeouts None expected None expected None expected Forecast 10.7 cm flux/Equivalent Sunspot Number : 095/041 1C. SOLAR COMMENT None. ----------------------------------------------------------- 2A. MAGNETIC SUMMARY Geomagnetic field at Learmonth: quiet to unsettled Estimated Indices : A K Observed A Index 16 May Learmonth 12 3233 3322 Fredericksburg 13 26 Planetary 15 30 Observed Kp for 16 May: 4454 6433 2B. MAGNETIC FORECAST DATE Ap CONDITIONS 18 May 10 Quiet to unsettled. 19 May 08 Quiet. 20 May 08 Quiet. 2C. MAGNETIC COMMENT None. 3A. GLOBAL HF PROPAGATION SUMMARY LATITUDE BAND DATE LOW MIDDLE HIGH 17 May normal fair-normal fair-normal PCA Event : None. 3B. GLOBAL HF PROPAGATION FORECAST LATITUDE BAND DATE LOW MIDDLE HIGH 18 May normal normal fair-normal 19 May normal normal normal 20 May normal normal normal 3C. GLOBAL HF PROPAGATION COMMENT NONE. ----------------------------------------------------------- 4A. AUSTRALIAN REGION IONOSPHERIC SUMMARY MUFs at Sydney were near predicted monthly values with 20% depressions 19-20UT. Spread F was observed 11-20UT and may have degraded night communications. Observed T index for 17 May: 41 Predicted Monthly T Index for May is 30. 4B. AUSTRALIAN REGION IONOSPHERIC FORECAST DATE T-index MUFs 18 May 35 Near predicted monthly values. 19 May 35 Near predicted monthly values. 20 May 35 Near predicted monthly values. 4C. AUSTRALIAN REGION COMMENT None. -- IPS Regional Warning Centre, Sydney |IPS Radio and Space Services email: fax: +61 2 4148331 |PO Box 5606 RWC Duty Forecaster tel: +61 2 4148329 |West Chatswood NSW 2057 Recorded Message tel: +61 2 4148330 |AUSTRALIA ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 May 1994 22:45:52 GMT From:!swrinde!gatech!!!panix!ddsw1!!world! Subject: MASS QSO PARTY To: MASSACHUSETTS QSO PARTY 1994 The 1994 Mass QSO Party is organized by Framingham Amateur Radio Association. Contest period: 1800Z Saturday, May 21 to 0400Z Sunday, May 22 and 1100Z to 2100Z Sunday, May 22 Classes: Outside MA; MA single, MA multi-single, MA multi-multi, MA portable Exchange: RS(T) and QTH (state, province, DXCC country, or Mass county) Points: 1 point per QSO on Phone and 2 points per QSO on CW/Digital/Video. 50 points for Massachusetts Club Bonus Stations. Multipliers: For stations outside Massachusetts, the number of Massachusetts counties worked per band (max 14 per band). For Massachusetts stations, states + provinces + DXCC countries per band. Scoring: Final score equals total QSO points times total multipliers. Frequencies: CW - 1810, 3550, 7050, 14050, 21050, and 28050 KHz SSB - 1850, 3890, 7290, 14270, 21390, and 28390 KHz Novices - 3705, 7130, 21130, 28130 KHz Awards : Certificate for the highest score in each contest class and for the highest score in each state, Canadian province, and DXCC country. Send logs by June 21, 1994 to Framingham Amateur Radio Association P.O. Box 3005 Framingham, MA 01701 For full rules, send an SASE to the above address, or send a request by e-mail to . (This announcement posted by Dave, K8JLF.) ------------------------------ Date: 17 May 1994 21:08:58 -0400 From:!usc!!!!! Subject: May 17 Mid-Atlantic Hamfest Listing To: MID-ATLANTIC HAMFEST LISTING May 17, 1994 The following is a listing of known hamfests in the Mid-Atlantic area. I will update this list as necessary. Please send any additions or corrections to me at so that others may benefit. If you know of any hamfests not in this list, please let me know about them so that they may be included in the next edition. Hamfests that I know of, but need details: Gaithersburg, MD (Sept), York, PA (Sept). Thanks, Chris Smolinski, N3JLY (*) Marks new additions / revisions. May 20-22, 1994: * ROCHESTER, NY 60th Annual Rochester Hamfest & Computer Show, NY ARRL Convention. $6 adv, $8 at door. Tailgating $5 Monroe County Fairgrounds, Rt 15 & Calkins Rd. May 21, 1994: HARMONY, NJ Cherryville Hamfest, 8AM-2PM, $6 admission, $10 tailgating, $15 tables Warren County Farmers Fairgrounds, Rt 518 North, Harmony, NJ I78-exit 3. Contact Keith Burt, KF5FK, (908) 788-4080 before 10PM VE Test Session Contact Marty Grozinski, NS2K, (908) 806-6944 before 9PM Talk-In 147.375+ & 146.820- * EPHRATA, PA Lancaster County Hamfest, 8AM-?, $4 adm, $6 inside, $3 tailgating Ephrata Senior High School, 803 Oak Blvd Contact EARS, 906 Clearview Ave, Ephrata, PA 17544 (717) 36-2514 Talk-In 145.450, 444.650 * ROANOKE, VA Roanoke Mayfest, 9AM-4PM, $5 adv, $6 door, tailgating $5, inside $10 Roanoke Civic Center Contact RVARC, (703) 343-6794, FAX (703) 342-1250 Talk-In 146.985-, 442.50+ * FLATWOODS, WV Central WV Swapfest, 8AM-?, Braxton County High School, Exit 67 off I-79 Talk-In 145.29-, 146.6- May 22, 1994: HAGERSTOWN, MD Great Hagerstown Hamfest, 8AM-3:30PM, $5 adm, $5 tailgating, $20 tables Hagerstown Jr College Rec Center, Exit 32B from I-70, right at Edgewood Rd Contact Page Pyne or Fred Bailey (301) 714-0688 VE Exams 9AM contact Pat KQ8E at (304) 289-3576 Talk-In 146.34+ May 28, 1994: * HIGHTSTOWN, NJ May Meet. Hightstown Country Club, nr exit 8 of NJ Turnpike, off rt 33. 7AM - 3 PM. May 29, 1994: WEST FRIENDSHIP, MD Memorial Day Hamfest, 8AM-3PM, $5 adm, $5 tailgating, $20 tables Howard County Fairgrounds, West Friendship, MD Off Interstate 70, west of Baltimore, MD Contact: Mel Seyle (301) 249-614 License Exams: Les McClure (410) 833-8667 Talk-In: 146.7, 224.76 and 444.00 June 4, 1994 * TEANECK, NJ Hamfest. 8AM-2PM. $2 adm, $10 spaces Farleigh Dickenson University, Rt 4 Ricver Road Exit Talk-In 146.19/79, 146.52 Contact Jim Joyce K2ZO, 201-664-6725 before 10pm. June 5, 1994: MANASSAS, VA Ole Virgina Hams ARC Hamfest, 8AM-3PM $5 adm, $5 tailgating Prince William County Fairgrounds, SR 234 Manassas, VA Talk-In 146.97-, 224.66- Contact Jim Hawk N3ODZ, PO Box 1255 Manassas, VA 22110 * BUTLER, PA 40th Annual Hamfest, 8AM-4PM, $1 adm, $1 tailgating, $20 indoor tables Butler Farm Show Grounds, PA Rt 68E from I79 & US Rt 19, W fm PA rt 8 Talk-In 147.96/.36 June 18, 1994: DUNELLEN, NJ Raritan Valley Radio Club Hamfest, 8AM-2PM $5 adm, $7 tailgating Columbia Park, Dunellen, NJ (Central NJ) Talk-In 146.625-, 53.73- (PL110.9), 224.8- (PL110.9), 442.250+ (PL141.3),146.52 Contact Bill K2DI, John WA2F (908) 722-9045 (before 8:30 PM) or Bob WB2CVL (908) 846-2056 (before 8:30 PM) Tailgating registration recommended -- checks payable to"RVRC" Send to Guy KE2CG, 240 Grant Ave, Piscataway NJ 08854 June 19, 1994: WALKERSVILLE, MD Father's Day Hamfest, 8AM-3PM, $5 adm, $5 tailgating Walkersville Fire Co, Walkersville, MD, rt 15 to rt 26 to rt 194 Frederick Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 1260, Frederick, MD 21702 Talk-In 146.52, 147.06+, 448.425- July 10, 1994: TIMONIUM, MD Maryland Hamfest, 8AM-?, tailgating opens at 6AM Timonium Fairgrounds, York Rd, I-695 to I-83 to Timonium Rd BRATS, PO BOx 5915, Baltimore, MD 21208 VE Exams 10AM, Pre-registration required Talk-In 147.03+, 224.96- July 16, 1994: LANCASTER, PA Red Rose Repeater Assn, 9AM-3PM $5 adm, $5 tailgating, $20 tables McCaskey High School, Reservoir & N Franklin Streets, Lancaster, PA Red Rose Repeater Assn, PO Box 8316, Lancaster, PA 17604 Talk-In 147.015+ August 7, 1994: UPPER MARLBORO, MD Southern Patuxent Hamfest, 7AM-2PM, $5 adm, $5 tailgating, $25 tables Prince George County Equestrian Center, Upper Marlboro, MD Rt 301/ Rt 4, exit 11-A (Rt 4 Pennsylvania Ave) from DC Beltway I-495 Contact: Southern Patuxent ARC, PO Box 399, St Leonard, MD 20685 (410) 586-2177 Talk-In 147.15 BUCKS COUNTY, PA Hamfest 94, 8AM-?, $5 adm, $3 tailgating Bucks County Drive In Theater, rt 611, 6mi N of Pa Turnpike exit 27 Mid Atlantic Radio Club, PO Box 352, Villanova, PA 19085 Talk-In 147.06, 145.13 August 14, 1994: WESTMINSTER, MD SARA Carroll County Hamfest, 8AM-?, $5 adm, $5 tailgating, $8 tables Carroll County Ag Center, Smith Ave, Westminster, MD Contact: Alan Parker, KS3L, (410) 859-1475 SARA Hamfest, 607 Brentwood Rd, Linthicum, MD 21090 Talk-In 146.52, 224.68, 224.64 EASTON, PA Hamfest & Computerfest, 8AM-?, $4 adm, $7 tailgating, $25 tables Career Institute of Technology, Easton, PA Delaware-Lehigh ARC, RR 4 Greystone Bldg, Nazareth, PA 18064-9211 (610) 820-9110 Talk-In 146.70 September 17&18, 1994: VIRGINIA BEACH, VA Virginia Beach Hamfest $6 adm, $15 tailgating, $30 tables, $125 booths Virginia BEach Pavillion Manny Steiner, K4DOR, 3512 Olympia Lane, Virginia Beach, VA 23452 (804) HAM-FEST September 18,1994 PENNSAUKEN, NJ South Jersey Radio Assn, 8AM-3PM, $5 admission, $5 tailgating Pennsauken High School Parking Lot, near US rt 130 / NJ rt 73 Contact Diane Nafis, N2LCQ, (609) 227-6281, (609) 228-8088 VEC Test Session registration at 9:30 AM Talk-In 145.290- October 30, 1994: WESTMINSTER, MD Mason Dixon Hamfest 8AM-?, $5 adm, $5 tailgating, $15 tables Carroll County Ag Center, Westminster, MD Mason Dixon Hamfest, PO Box 763, Hanover, PA 17331 VE exams $5.60, 9AM, reg 8AM, Page Evans NE3P, (717) 359-7610 Talk-In 145.410- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 May 1994 23:26:32 GMT From:!!!!! Subject: sacred frequencies To: : This 14300kc interests me. First, I guess the author really meant 14.3 : kc. : Also, I guess that kc was used because it is supposed : to show a long term connection with radio. However, kc was always : incorrect as used because it was always supposed to be kc/s. A time : blah blah blah .... : This kind of identification with "the true antiquity" of radio by : using quaint "older" terms. : I guess the Kc is supposed to show that the poster came : from a time when "hams were ham" and modern changes didn't affect the : hobby. Or maybe I'm just being too critical of a slip. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Slip or not ....... you're right ... your are being too critical. ;-) de Sandy ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 May 94 19:14:46 EDT From:!usc!!!!!!hypnos!voxbox! Subject: Willful Interference To: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- (Michael P. Deignan) writes: > jherman@uhunix3.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Jeffrey Herman) writes: > > > As long as your evidence is so solid why not go public? Send the details > > to your local newspaper and see if they write up a story, or at least > > send a letter to the editor. > > Do you really think that a local newspaper would even CARE about this > sort of topic? I think they would read about it and place it in the > circular file. During a repeater war between two repeaters about 75 miles apart which insisted on using the same pair, with one upside down, the winning side accomplished it by sneaking to the other town and putting a small battery powered white noise generator near the site. The resulting noise desensed the receiver so much the repeater was unuseable unless you were close enough to hit it with a snowball. None of the victims thought to use a non-FM receiver for tracking possible QRM and thought the problem was inside their hardware. Do the same to this turkey. Render it impossible for him to hear without even setting foot on his property. He'll soon tire of talking to himself. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.5 iQCVAgUBLdlSM8mzkeX3rfUNAQGNDwQAqen//phIXUDVbLdytB90gJlQEZPEYcsG NszqJ0TivQjW7DC+x+sNr8aoH91b1fWITQZg/F7jbHsGTjFwyy1ulWxrNXYcJ18D DC29iMfAYL7xumedXQzxYbVrtv7XgBIGZvHvtlNQyan+thTc0s7yLOdHWwIHlgcK gjrHGDuDSkU= =1ZAG -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Jim Grubs, W8GRT Voxbox Enterprises THIS SPACE FOR RENT | | 6817 Maplewood Ave. RATES REASONABLE | | Fido: 1:234/1.0 Sylvania, Ohio 43560 Home: 419/882-2697 | | AMATEUR RADIO - The National Park of the Mind | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: 17 May 1994 21:44:25 GMT From:!swrinde!!convex!!!!!! To: References <>, , <>ne Subject : Re: HTX-202 problem In article <>, (James Proctor) writes: |> No, I'm not talking about missing the first 3/4 second of a qso. Please |> give me a little bit of credit! :-) I'm talking about the receiver suddenly |> turning on into a qso that has obviously been going on for some time (just |> by the content of the conversation). So you don't feel alone, I too had that problem. I don't think I ever had it that bad, but I know it was up to a couple of seconds at a time at least. Other than that, I've had absolutely NO problems with my HTX-202. -- Will Turner, N0RDV --------------------------------------------- | "Are you going to have any professionalism, | | or am I going to have to beat it into you?" | --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 May 94 18:09:48 -0500 From:!!! To: References , , a Subject : Re: Amateur Radio Newsline #873 6 May 94 Jeffrey Herman writes: >Oh my. Ed, open up a copy of WRTV or Passport and ask yourself why >the legitimate users of the 7100-7300 kc segment are beaming to >Region 2 countries; I didn't think that was legal. Very, very true. That does not mean that ALL 7100-7300 broadcast signals HEARD in North America are BEAMED to Region 2 -- and if they aren't, they're legal. That's my point. >Also, if I'm conducting a QSO on a clear freq in that segment and >suddenly get blasted to the moon due to an oncoming BC'er then >who's the jammer? Hmmm, shouldn't Radio Phnom Penh have checked >to see if the freq was clear prior to starting their beamed-to-Region 2 >bcst? If they're beaming to Region 2, they shouldn't be there at all whether you are or not. If they aren't, then they -- as a broadcaster -- have NO obligation to listen on the frequency before starting a transmission. (They are, however, supposed to notify the IFRB of their intended frequencies, hours and beam headings/widths in advance.)\\\\\ -- Ed Ellers, KD4AWQ ------------------------------ End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #540 ******************************